@echo off set JAVAHELP_HOME=d:\jh2.0 set HELPJAR=enternetusersref.jar set JREHOME=d:\jdk\jre\bin rem edit JAVAHELP_HOME to where you installed javahelp if not exist %JREHOME%\java.exe goto nojava goto gotjava :nojava echo jave not found at: %JREHOME%\java.exe echo set JREHOME to point to your java JRE echo get java from http://java.sun.com goto end :gotjava if not exist %javahelp_home%\demos\bin\hsviewer.jar goto noviewer goto gotviewer :noviewer echo Cannot find javahelp viewer at echo %javahelp_home%\demos\bin\hsviewer.jar goto errorfound :gotviewer if not exist %JAVAHELP_HOME%\javahelp\lib\jhall.jar goto nojhall goto gotjhall :nojhall echo Cannot find jhall.jar at echo %JAVAHELP_HOME%\javahelp\lib\jhall.jar goto errorfound :errorfound echo You may not have edited the JAVAHELP_HOME in this script echo or may not yet have installed Sun javahelp. echo javahelp is at http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp goto end :gotjhall if not exist %HELPJAR% goto nohelpjar goto gothelpjar :nohelpjar echo Cannot find %HELPJAR% echo Check the name of the help JAR you want to view and either rename it or echo edit the name in this script goto end :gothelpjar %JREHOME%\java.exe -classpath %HELPJAR%;%JAVAHELP_HOME%/demos/bin/hsviewer.jar;%JAVAHELP_HOME%/javahelp/lib/jhall.jar sunw.demo.jhdemo.JHLauncher -helpset javahelp.hs goto end :end pause