

kevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stantonSales Tax Measure GG City of Stantonkevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stantonkevin carr city of stanton Surf Clothing Hurley Roxy Billabong ocean minded Volcom Lost ent. online surf shop Index of the HTML 4 Elements

Index of Elements

Legend: Optional, Forbidden, Empty, Deprecated, Loose DTD, Frameset DTD

Name Start Tag End Tag Empty Depr. DTD Description
A anchor
ABBR abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.)
ADDRESS information on author
APPLET D L Java applet
AREA F E client-side image map area
B bold text style
BASE F E document base URI
BASEFONT F E D L base font size
BDO I18N BiDi over-ride
BIG large text style
BLOCKQUOTE long quotation
BODY O O document body
BR F E forced line break
BUTTON push button
CAPTION table caption
CENTER D L shorthand for DIV align=center
CITE citation
CODE computer code fragment
COL F E table column
COLGROUP O table column group
DD O definition description
DEL deleted text
DFN instance definition
DIR D L directory list
DIV generic language/style container
DL definition list
DT O definition term
EM emphasis
FIELDSET form control group
FONT D L local change to font
FORM interactive form
FRAME F E F subwindow
FRAMESET F window subdivision
H1 heading
H2 heading
H3 heading
H4 heading
H5 heading
H6 heading
HEAD O O document head
HR F E horizontal rule
HTML O O document root element
I italic text style
IFRAME L inline subwindow
IMG F E Embedded image
INPUT F E form control
INS inserted text
ISINDEX F E D L single line prompt
KBD text to be entered by the user
LABEL form field label text
LEGEND fieldset legend
LI O list item
LINK F E a media-independent link
MAP client-side image map
MENU D L menu list
META F E generic metainformation
NOFRAMES F alternate content container for non frame-based rendering
NOSCRIPT alternate content container for non script-based rendering
OBJECT generic embedded object
OL ordered list
OPTGROUP option group
OPTION O selectable choice
P O paragraph
PARAM F E named property value
PRE preformatted text
Q short inline quotation
S D L strike-through text style
SAMP sample program output, scripts, etc.
SCRIPT script statements
SELECT option selector
SMALL small text style
SPAN generic language/style container
STRIKE D L strike-through text
STRONG strong emphasis
STYLE style info
SUB subscript
SUP superscript
TBODY O O table body
TD O table data cell
TEXTAREA multi-line text field
TFOOT O table footer
TH O table header cell
THEAD O table header
TITLE document title
TR O table row
TT teletype or monospaced text style
U D L underlined text style
UL unordered list
VAR instance of a variable or program argument



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