14 January 2003

Appendix M: Attribute Index

Attribute or entity which defines a collection of attributes Used in these elements and entities Value Type Default
%PresentationAttributes-All; feImage, svg, g, defs, symbol, use, switch, marker, pattern, mask, filter, a, font, glyph, missing-glyph, foreignObject
%PresentationAttributes-Color; PresentationAttributes-All, image, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, linearGradient, radialGradient, stop, clipPath, feDiffuseLighting, feFlood, feSpecularLighting
%PresentationAttributes-Containers; PresentationAttributes-All
%PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; PresentationAttributes-All, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, clipPath
%PresentationAttributes-FilterPrimitives; PresentationAttributes-All, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feMerge, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence
%PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification; PresentationAttributes-All, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, glyphRef, clipPath
%PresentationAttributes-Gradients; PresentationAttributes-All, linearGradient, radialGradient, stop
%PresentationAttributes-Graphics; PresentationAttributes-All, image, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, clipPath
%PresentationAttributes-Images; PresentationAttributes-All, image
%PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects; PresentationAttributes-All, feDiffuseLighting, feSpecularLighting
%PresentationAttributes-Markers; PresentationAttributes-All, path, line, polyline, polygon
%PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class; PresentationAttributes-All, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, clipPath
%PresentationAttributes-Text.class; PresentationAttributes-All, text, clipPath
%PresentationAttributes-Viewports; PresentationAttributes-All, image
%PresentationAttributes-feFlood; PresentationAttributes-All, feFlood
%animAdditionAttrs; animate, animateColor, animateMotion, animateTransform
%animAttributeAttrs; animate, set, animateColor, animateTransform
%animElementAttrs; animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform
%animTimingAttrs; animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform
%animValueAttrs; animate, animateColor, animateTransform
%animationEvents; animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform
%component_transfer_function_attributes; feFuncR, feFuncG, feFuncB, feFuncA
%documentEvents; svg
%filter_primitive_attributes; feMerge, feTurbulence
%filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; feComponentTransfer, feFlood, feTile, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feGaussianBlur, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting
%graphicsElementEvents; g, defs, symbol, switch, svg, use, image, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, a, foreignObject
%langSpaceAttrs; svg, g, defs, desc, title, symbol, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, marker, pattern, clipPath, mask, filter, feImage, a, foreignObject
%stdAttrs; altGlyphDef, altGlyphItem, font-face-src, metadata, svg, g, defs, desc, title, symbol, use, image, switch, style, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, glyphRef, marker, color-profile, linearGradient, radialGradient, stop, pattern, clipPath, mask, filter, feDistantLight, fePointLight, feSpotLight, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feFuncR, feFuncG, feFuncB, feFuncA, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMergeNode, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence, cursor, a, view, script, animate, set, animateMotion, mpath, animateColor, animateTransform, font, glyph, missing-glyph, hkern, vkern, font-face, font-face-uri, font-face-format, font-face-name, definition-src, foreignObject
%testAttrs; svg, g, defs, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, pattern, clipPath, mask, cursor, a, animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform, foreignObject
%xlinkRefAttrs; tref, textPath, altGlyph, glyphRef, color-profile, linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern, filter, cursor, script, mpath, font-face-uri, definition-src
%xlinkRefAttrsEmbed; use, image, feImage
accent-height font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
accumulate animAdditionAttrs (none | sum) none
alignment-baseline PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class ( baseline | top | before-edge | text-top | text-before-edge | middle | bottom | after-edge | text-bottom | text-after-edge | ideographic | lower | hanging | mathematical | inherit)
alphabetic font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
amplitude component_transfer_function_attributes %Number; #IMPLIED
animate filter
arabic-form glyph CDATA #IMPLIED
ascent font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
attributeType animAttributeAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
azimuth feDistantLight %Number; #IMPLIED
baseFrequency feTurbulence %NumberOptionalNumber; #IMPLIED
baseline-shift PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %BaselineShiftValue; #IMPLIED
baseProfile svg CDATA #IMPLIED "none"
bbox font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
bias feConvolveMatrix %Number; #IMPLIED
by animValueAttrs, animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
calcMode animateMotion (discrete | linear | paced | spline) paced
cap-height font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
class svg, g, defs, desc, title, symbol, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, glyphRef, marker, linearGradient, radialGradient, stop, pattern, clipPath, mask, filter, feDiffuseLighting, feFlood, feImage, feSpecularLighting, a, font, glyph, missing-glyph, foreignObject %ClassList; #IMPLIED
clip PresentationAttributes-Viewports %ClipValue; #IMPLIED
clip-path PresentationAttributes-Graphics %ClipPathValue; #IMPLIED
clip-rule PresentationAttributes-Graphics %ClipFillRule; #IMPLIED
clipPathUnits clipPath (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
color PresentationAttributes-Color %Color; #IMPLIED
color-interpolation PresentationAttributes-Color (auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit) #IMPLIED
color-interpolation-filters PresentationAttributes-FilterPrimitives (auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit) #IMPLIED
color-profile PresentationAttributes-Images CDATA #IMPLIED
color-rendering PresentationAttributes-Color (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit) #IMPLIED
contentScriptType svg %ContentType; text/ecmascript
contentStyleType svg %ContentType;
cursor PresentationAttributes-Graphics %CursorValue; #IMPLIED
cx circle, ellipse, radialGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
cy circle, ellipse, radialGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
d glyph, missing-glyph %PathData; #IMPLIED
d path %PathData; #REQUIRED
descent font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
diffuseConstant feDiffuseLighting %Number; #IMPLIED
direction PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class (ltr | rtl | inherit) #IMPLIED
display PresentationAttributes-Graphics ( inline | block | list-item | run-in | compact | marker | table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group | table-column | table-cell | table-caption | none | inherit )
divisor feConvolveMatrix %Number; #IMPLIED
dominant-baseline PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class (auto
dur animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
dx text, tspan, tref, altGlyph %Lengths; #IMPLIED
dx glyphRef, feOffset %Number; #IMPLIED
dy text, tspan, tref, altGlyph %Lengths; #IMPLIED
dy glyphRef, feOffset %Number; #IMPLIED
edgeMode feConvolveMatrix (duplicate|wrap|none) duplicate
elevation feDistantLight %Number; #IMPLIED
enable-background PresentationAttributes-Containers %EnableBackgroundValue; #IMPLIED
end animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
exponent component_transfer_function_attributes %Number; #IMPLIED
externalResourcesRequired g, defs, symbol, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, marker, linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern, clipPath, mask, filter, feImage, cursor, a, view, script, animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform, font, foreignObject, svg, mpath %Boolean; #IMPLIED
feColorMatrix filter
feComposite filter
feGaussianBlur filter
feMorphology filter
feTile filter
fill animTimingAttrs (remove | freeze) remove
fill PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %Paint; #IMPLIED
fill-opacity PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED
fill-rule PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %ClipFillRule; #IMPLIED
filter PresentationAttributes-Graphics %FilterValue; #IMPLIED
filterRes filter %NumberOptionalNumber; #IMPLIED
filterUnits filter (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
flood-color PresentationAttributes-feFlood %SVGColor; #IMPLIED
flood-opacity PresentationAttributes-feFlood %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED
font-family PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification %FontFamilyValue; #IMPLIED
font-family font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
font-size PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification %FontSizeValue; #IMPLIED
font-size font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
font-size-adjust PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification %FontSizeAdjustValue; #IMPLIED
font-stretch PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification (normal
font-stretch font-face (normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit)
font-style PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification (normal | italic | oblique | inherit) #IMPLIED
font-style font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
font-variant PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification (normal | small-caps | inherit) #IMPLIED
font-variant font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
font-weight PresentationAttributes-FontSpecification (normal
font-weight font-face (normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit)
format altGlyph, glyphRef CDATA #IMPLIED
from animValueAttrs, animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
fx radialGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
fy radialGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
g1 hkern, vkern CDATA #IMPLIED
g2 hkern, vkern CDATA #IMPLIED
glyph-name glyph CDATA #IMPLIED
glyph-orientation-horizontal PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue; #IMPLIED
glyph-orientation-vertical PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %GlyphOrientationVerticalValue; #IMPLIED
glyphRef altGlyph, glyphRef CDATA #IMPLIED
gradientTransform linearGradient, radialGradient %TransformList; #IMPLIED
gradientUnits linearGradient, radialGradient (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
hanging font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
height svg, filter, filter_primitive_attributes, use, pattern, mask %Length; #IMPLIED
height rect, foreignObject, image %Length; #REQUIRED
horiz-adv-x glyph, missing-glyph %Number; #IMPLIED
horiz-adv-x font %Number; #REQUIRED
horiz-origin-x font %Number; #IMPLIED
horiz-origin-y font %Number; #IMPLIED
ideographic font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
image-rendering PresentationAttributes-Graphics (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit) #IMPLIED
in filter_primitive_attributes_with_in, feMergeNode CDATA #IMPLIED
in2 feBlend, feComposite, feDisplacementMap CDATA #REQUIRED
intercept component_transfer_function_attributes %Number; #IMPLIED
k hkern, vkern %Number; #REQUIRED
k1 feComposite %Number; #IMPLIED
k2 feComposite %Number; #IMPLIED
k3 feComposite %Number; #IMPLIED
k4 feComposite %Number; #IMPLIED
kernelMatrix feConvolveMatrix CDATA #REQUIRED
kernelUnitLength feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feSpecularLighting %NumberOptionalNumber; #IMPLIED
kerning PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %KerningValue; #IMPLIED
keyPoints animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
keySplines animValueAttrs, animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
keyTimes animValueAttrs, animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
lang glyph %LanguageCodes; #IMPLIED
lengthAdjust textPath, text, tspan, tref (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED
letter-spacing PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %SpacingValue; #IMPLIED
lighting-color PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects %SVGColor; #IMPLIED
limitingConeAngle feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
local color-profile CDATA #IMPLIED
marker-end PresentationAttributes-Markers %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED
marker-mid PresentationAttributes-Markers %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED
marker-start PresentationAttributes-Markers %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED
markerHeight marker %Length; #IMPLIED
markerUnits marker (strokeWidth | userSpaceOnUse) #IMPLIED
markerWidth marker %Length; #IMPLIED
mask PresentationAttributes-Graphics %MaskValue; #IMPLIED
maskContentUnits mask (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
maskUnits mask (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
mathematical font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
max animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
media style %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED
method textPath (align|stretch) #IMPLIED
min animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
mode feBlend (normal | multiply | screen | darken | lighten)
name color-profile CDATA #REQUIRED
numOctaves feTurbulence %Integer; #IMPLIED
offset stop %NumberOrPercentage; #REQUIRED
offset component_transfer_function_attributes %Number; #IMPLIED
onabort documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onactivate graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onbegin animationEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onclick graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onend animationEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onerror documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onfocusin graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onfocusout graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onload graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onmousedown graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onmousemove graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onmouseout graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onmouseover graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onmouseup graphicsElementEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onrepeat animationEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onresize documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onscroll documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onunload documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
onzoom documentEvents %Script; #IMPLIED
opacity PresentationAttributes-Graphics %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED
operator feMorphology (erode | dilate) erode
operator feComposite (over | in | out | atop | xor | arithmetic) over
order feConvolveMatrix %NumberOptionalNumber; #REQUIRED
orient marker CDATA #IMPLIED
orientation glyph CDATA #IMPLIED
origin animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
overflow PresentationAttributes-Viewports (visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit) #IMPLIED
overline-position font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
overline-thickness font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
panose-1 font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
path animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
pathLength path %Number; #IMPLIED
patternContentUnits pattern (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
patternTransform pattern %TransformList; #IMPLIED
patternUnits pattern (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
pointer-events PresentationAttributes-Graphics ( visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible | painted | fill | stroke | all | none | inherit)
points polyline, polygon %Points; #REQUIRED
pointsAtX feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
pointsAtY feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
pointsAtZ feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
preserveAlpha feConvolveMatrix %Boolean; #IMPLIED
preserveAspectRatio svg, symbol, image, marker, pattern, view %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; xMidYMid meet
primitiveUnits filter (userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED
r radialGradient %Length; #IMPLIED
r circle %Length; #REQUIRED
radius feMorphology %NumberOptionalNumber; #IMPLIED
refX marker %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
refY marker %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
rendering-intent color-profile (auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric)
repeatCount animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
repeatDur animTimingAttrs CDATA #IMPLIED
requiredExtensions testAttrs %ExtensionList; #IMPLIED
restart animTimingAttrs (always | never | whenNotactive) always
result filter_primitive_attributes CDATA #IMPLIED
rotate animateMotion CDATA #IMPLIED
rotate text, tspan, tref, altGlyph %Numbers; #IMPLIED
rx rect %Length; #IMPLIED
rx ellipse %Length; #REQUIRED
ry rect %Length; #IMPLIED
ry ellipse %Length; #REQUIRED
scale feDisplacementMap %Number; #IMPLIED
seed feTurbulence %Number; #IMPLIED
shape-rendering PresentationAttributes-Graphics (auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision | inherit) #IMPLIED
slope component_transfer_function_attributes, font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
spacing textPath (auto|exact) #IMPLIED
specularConstant feSpecularLighting %Number; #IMPLIED
specularExponent feSpotLight, feSpecularLighting %Number; #IMPLIED
spreadMethod linearGradient, radialGradient (pad | reflect | repeat) #IMPLIED
startOffset textPath %Length; #IMPLIED
stdDeviation feGaussianBlur %NumberOptionalNumber; #IMPLIED
stemh font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
stemv font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
stitchTiles feTurbulence (stitch | noStitch) noStitch
stop-color PresentationAttributes-Gradients %SVGColor; #IMPLIED
stop-opacity PresentationAttributes-Gradients %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED
strikethrough-position font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
strikethrough-thickness font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
stroke PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %Paint; #IMPLIED
stroke-dasharray PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %StrokeDashArrayValue; #IMPLIED
stroke-dashoffset PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %StrokeDashOffsetValue; #IMPLIED
stroke-linecap PresentationAttributes-FillStroke (butt | round | square | inherit) #IMPLIED
stroke-linejoin PresentationAttributes-FillStroke (miter | round | bevel | inherit) #IMPLIED
stroke-miterlimit PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %StrokeMiterLimitValue; #IMPLIED
stroke-opacity PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED
stroke-width PresentationAttributes-FillStroke %StrokeWidthValue; #IMPLIED
style svg, g, defs, desc, title, symbol, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, glyphRef, marker, linearGradient, radialGradient, stop, pattern, clipPath, mask, filter, feImage, a, font, glyph, missing-glyph, foreignObject %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED
surfaceScale feDiffuseLighting, feSpecularLighting %Number; #IMPLIED
systemLanguage testAttrs %LanguageCodes; #IMPLIED
tableValues component_transfer_function_attributes CDATA #IMPLIED
target a %LinkTarget; #IMPLIED
targetX feConvolveMatrix %Integer; #IMPLIED
targetY feConvolveMatrix %Integer; #IMPLIED
text-anchor PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class (start | middle | end | inherit) #IMPLIED
text-decoration PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %TextDecorationValue; #IMPLIED
text-rendering PresentationAttributes-Graphics (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision | inherit) #IMPLIED
textLength text, tspan, tref, textPath %Length; #IMPLIED
title style %Text; #IMPLIED
to animValueAttrs, animateMotion, set CDATA #IMPLIED
transform g, defs, use, image, switch, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, text, clipPath, a, foreignObject %TransformList; #IMPLIED
type style, script %ContentType; #REQUIRED
type feTurbulence (fractalNoise | turbulence)
type component_transfer_function_attributes (identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma)
type feColorMatrix (matrix | saturate | hueRotate | luminanceToAlpha) matrix
type animateTransform (translate | scale | rotate | skewX | skewY)
u1 hkern, vkern CDATA #IMPLIED
u2 hkern, vkern CDATA #IMPLIED
underline-position font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
underline-thickness font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
unicode glyph CDATA #IMPLIED
unicode-bidi PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class (normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit) #IMPLIED
unicode-range font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
units-per-em font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
v-alphabetic font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
v-hanging font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
v-ideographic font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
v-mathematical font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
values animValueAttrs, animateMotion, feColorMatrix CDATA #IMPLIED
version svg %Number; #REQUIRED
vert-adv-y font, glyph, missing-glyph %Number; #IMPLIED
vert-origin-x font, glyph, missing-glyph %Number; #IMPLIED
vert-origin-y font, glyph, missing-glyph %Number; #IMPLIED
viewBox svg, symbol, marker, pattern, view %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED
viewTarget view CDATA #IMPLIED
visibility PresentationAttributes-Graphics (visible | hidden | inherit) #IMPLIED
width svg, use, pattern, mask, filter, filter_primitive_attributes %Length; #IMPLIED
width image, rect, foreignObject %Length; #REQUIRED
widths font-face CDATA #IMPLIED
word-spacing PresentationAttributes-TextContent.class %SpacingValue; #IMPLIED
writing-mode PresentationAttributes-Text.class (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit) #IMPLIED
x svg, use, image, rect, pattern, mask, filter, filter_primitive_attributes, cursor, foreignObject %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
x text, tspan, tref, altGlyph %Coordinates; #IMPLIED
x glyphRef, fePointLight, feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
x-height font-face %Number; #IMPLIED
x1 line, linearGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
x2 line, linearGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
xChannelSelector feDisplacementMap (R | G | B | A) A
xlink:actuate xlinkRefAttrs, xlinkRefAttrsEmbed (onLoad) #FIXED onLoad
xlink:actuate a (onRequest) #FIXED onRequest
xlink:arcrole xlinkRefAttrs, xlinkRefAttrsEmbed, a %URI; #IMPLIED
xlink:href glyphRef, color-profile, linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern, filter, script, animElementAttrs, altGlyph %URI; #IMPLIED
xlink:href use, image, tref, textPath, feImage, cursor, a, mpath, font-face-uri, definition-src %URI; #REQUIRED
xlink:role xlinkRefAttrs, xlinkRefAttrsEmbed, a %URI; #IMPLIED
xlink:show xlinkRefAttrsEmbed (embed) embed
xlink:show a (new|replace) replace
xlink:show xlinkRefAttrs (other) other
xlink:title xlinkRefAttrs, xlinkRefAttrsEmbed, a CDATA #IMPLIED
xlink:type xlinkRefAttrs, xlinkRefAttrsEmbed, a (simple) #FIXED simple
xml:base stdAttrs %URI; #IMPLIED
xml:space langSpaceAttrs (default|preserve) #IMPLIED
xml:space style (preserve) #FIXED preserve
xmlns svg CDATA #FIXED http://www.w3.org/2000/svg
xmlns:xlink a CDATA #FIXED http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
y svg, use, image, rect, pattern, mask, filter, filter_primitive_attributes, foreignObject, cursor %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
y text, tspan, tref, altGlyph %Coordinates; #IMPLIED
y glyphRef, fePointLight, feSpotLight %Number; #IMPLIED
y1 line, linearGradient %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
y2 linearGradient, line %Coordinate; #IMPLIED
yChannelSelector feDisplacementMap (R | G | B | A)
z feSpotLight, fePointLight %Number; #IMPLIED
zoomAndPan svg, view (disable | magnify) magnify



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Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the ankle. Found the girls hawaiian shoes on the free stock videos website. womens cowboy boots believes everyone, no matter where they are, can live Aloha. It’s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure of 1cecilia165. I bought kids hawaiian Sandals and womens cowboy boots from Hawaii directly. It’s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure of 1cecilia165.

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